19 May 2008


Went and saw Prince Caspian the other day and am still continuing my love of pixelized menfolks of the FF12 vein (also am not posting up the sketches of my fancreated girl type creature). However, I am gifting you with two more pics.

This is inspired by a lady on my LJ friendslist, a comment she said which I cannot recall atm. And in fact the actual comment might not be important so much as the feel I got from it. It is a tegaki but I might rework it in other program. I'm not great at 'surreal' or abstract arts and this lends better to those than my usual fair. Still, there's a thought there that's not quite expressed and leaves me unsatisfied.

And I just did this not ten minutes ago. Just opened up Artrage and started sketching a face. I am surprised at the fact it's these two. My unavisi girl, Buck and a friend's boy, Colibri. I am amused at Col's *is not buying yo' shit* expression. Attempted a hand and mutilated it. Not uncommon however.

As the sun has risen, I should probably head t o bed. Ciao, lovies!


Roxxy-Chan said...

Wow two lovely pics ^^ surrealisum is hard to do I know that from being forced to do it once o_o; though it does look great ^^.

As with the sketch... i want to nibble on them XD

L. Mynatt said...

Thanks hon! Yaaay first comment. XD

Apis said...

Muahaha I love them!
Col looks FABULOUS and unimpressed, and I love the strength in Buck -- also , your patchwork! :D :D That is simply AWESOME. I'd love to see mor ein that style. :)